Assalam Quran School
Our objective at the Madrassa is to develop the personalities of our children so that they are conscious of their responsibility to Allah and to fellow humans.
Pupils should be able to seek ways throughout their lives of becoming better Muslims through the reading, understanding and memorisation of the Quran.
We aim for our pupils to develop their Islamic personalities and build on an emotional attachment to Islam which should continue after leaving the madrassa.
Pupils should seek ways of increasing their love of Allaah and His Messenger Muhammad (Peace be upon him). One of the ways the madrassa will support this is be providing an Islamic environment promoting Islamic values.
Pupils will learn and develop their respect for parents, teachers and elders and show kindness and tenderness to those younger than them. This respect will be demonstrated by their teachers.
Part of being a good Muslim will be to be a good citizen in the UK. This too will be promoted in the madrassa.
Madrassa Times
Monday to Friday from 5:00pm to 7:00pm for boys and girls aged 5 to 16
Madrassa is usually closed during Islamic Festivals and some school holidays.
New admissions usually take place at the beginning of every month subject to availability. Admission forms must be completed for all new enrolments.
Child’s birth certificate, proof of address, admission fee and current applicable term fees MUST be accompanied with the admission form.
Fees are payable at the beginning of each month.
Topics Covered
Qur’an reading (with a focus on quality not quantity)
Islamic Studies
Surah memorisation
Tafseer (meaning and understanding) of certain Surahs.
1) A note or phone call is required for any absence.
2) Written notification must be provided and approved in advance of any pre-arranged absence (e.g. holidays)
3) Written notification is required for any pupil wishing to be excused from lessons early
4) Written notification is required for any pupil that wishes to leave Madrasah
Other Parental Responsibilities
1) Parents must ensure that their children are brought and collected on time. (Please park cars responsibly)
2) Parents must ensure that cleanliness is maintained (i.e. uniform, nails, socks etc.)
3) Parents must check their children’s diaries at least every week.
4) Parents are advised to attend all parents’ evenings.