Jummah Giving




We are thrilled to introduce a revolutionary way to streamline your weekly masjid donations during the blessed day of Jummah. With our new subscription-based donation campaign, you can effortlessly contribute towards the betterment of our masjid and community every single week, ensuring consistent support for our vital services and projects.

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We are thrilled to introduce a revolutionary way to streamline your weekly masjid donations during the blessed day of Jummah. With our new subscription-based donation campaign, you can effortlessly contribute towards the betterment of our masjid and community every single week, ensuring consistent support for our vital services and projects.

Why Opt for Automated Jummah Donations?

  1. Convenience: Say goodbye to last-minute scrambles for cash or forgetting your donation altogether. Our automated subscription service ensures your contribution is made seamlessly every Jummah without any hassle.
  2. Consistency: Regular donations provide stability for our masjid’s operations and allow us to plan and execute long-term projects effectively, ensuring sustained growth and impact within our community.
  3. Efficiency: By automating your donations, you save valuable time and effort, allowing you to focus on other important aspects of your life while still fulfilling your religious obligation of giving back.